
Golly gopher
Golly gopher

golly gopher

Inspired by…: The whole "founder's brain hidden in the theme park" angle was based on an urban legend which involved Walt Disney's body being cryogenically frozen after he died and hidden within the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction at Disneyland.Illogical Safe: The toons introduce themselves after jumping out of a safe that crashed on Jimmy's head.Golly: Aw, don't worry about Craig, that guy only cares about himself, now Golly, let's get back to making me famous! Extreme Doormat: Jimmy is shown to be this case for everyone at his school (even his best friend Craig!) due to his inability to stand up for himself.Deal with the Devil: The plot gets set in motion after Jimmy agrees to letting the toons help him stick up for himself, in return for making them famous again.She mentions having some powers, like receiving AM radio, but nothing like that. Deus ex Machina: Jimmy's alien half-sister Yancy zaps Sonny out of existence at the end.Even Professor Fate would tell him to tone it down a little. Cement Shoes: Prickles and Pickles do this to Jimmy to stop him from giving up his seat to a rude classmate.All well and good, but nobody seemed to care that Craig was pretty much treating Jimmy like dirt throughout the story, and constantly using him as a lackey so he could get in with the popular kids. Broken Aesop: Jimmy is portrayed as being selfish and unfaithful to his friends when he spends more time with his cartooning career than with Craig.Brain Transplant: Jimmy is hit by a train and the only way to save him is transplanting the brain of the company founder.Brain in a Jar: Milt Appleday's brain was preserved in a lunch cooler for thirty years.Golly is mortified upon seeing this, and it's why Sonny was fired. Audience-Alienating Era: invoked Sonny Appleday ended up putting Golly and his friends through a Totally Radical stage in their lives once, complete with Special Effects Failure and Synchro-Vox.

#Golly gopher license#

Artistic License – Physics: Even if you'd be willing to believe that the injury Jimmy received would need a Brain Transplant, there's the problem that the train he's hit by is not nearly traveling fast enough to send Jimmy flying-the train would more likely push Jimmy aside at best, it would crush Jimmy like a steamroller.Hand Waved in intentionally implausible fashion by claiming they managed to save his "memory and personality glands". For this to be even remotely possible, this donor would have to be exactly like Jimmy in every way except for hallucinating cartoon characters.

golly gopher

After his entire brain has been removed from his noggin and replaced with a completely different brain, Jimmy retains his memories, his personality, his motor skills, and his sanity (well, most of it).

  • Artistic License – Biology: Let's just say that a brain transplant is not only possible but can also be performed by just any doctor in only a few hours, without even cutting Jimmy's hair.
  • All Animation Is Disney: invoked Milt Appleday created Captain Ersatzes of Tom and Jerry and the Transformers, even though he died in 1977 when Transformers came out in The '80s.
  • Abusive Parents: Milt Appleday treated Sonny as his least favorite child, even though he was an only child.

  • Golly gopher